Monday, December 4, 2017


I have long been wanting to cross out Guimaras on my list of "to be visited provinces".  It did not happen until Nov. 30, 2017.  Taking advantage of the holiday, I finally able to set foot on this tiny island province via Iloilo.  From Ortiz wharf in Iloilo city, I took  a very short boat ride of approximately 20 minutes to Jordan the capital town.  Just a bit of history, Guimaras was once a sub-province of Iloilo until it gained status as full-pledge province, May of 1992. 

Upon arrival at Jordan's wharf, I dropped by the tourism office (located within the wharf's compound) to register.  The staff were accommodating and helpful.  They gladly showcased what the province has to offer for visitors - that is inland and island tours.  I did not avail though of the tours offered and decided to go first to Cabugan Adventure Resort in Nueva Valencia where I stayed.   I asked advice on how to reach Nueva Valencia (one of the towns of Guimaras and where most resorts are located) and  commuting using public transportation was more practical. Hiring a private vehicle was far more expensive for alone traveler.
calm and green

Going to Nueva Valencia was easy.  Jeepneys that ply the route were stationed just outside the wharf's compound.  The driver did not wait for the jeepney to get fully loaded and left immediately but it made a complete stop at the market place to wait for more passengers.  After almost an hour on the road, I got off at crossing-lucmayan.  From this point, I need to ride a motorcycle to get to the jump-off of the resort at sitio Dungca-an in Brgy. Tando .  Road condition from Jordan to Nueva Valencia was not a problem.   It was cemented with some really nice view along the way.

All the while I thought that the resort was accessible by foot.  I was wrong. A small boat brought me to the resort through a narrow mangrove area before emerging into a lagoon and into a group of islands where the resort was located.  The resort location was a thumbs up for me.  I liked how it was nestled in an island with lush forestry and surrounded by calm waters.  The hut where I stayed was located on the other side of the island facing a lagoon with magnificent view of the sunrise and nearby islands.

one of the coves
I did not have an itinerary for the day but I had island hopping in mind.  Good thing, the resort offered an island hopping tour at a very affordable price.  I did not think twice and hopped at the boat and the next thing I know I was on our first stop.  I was keeping my expectation low but as I hopped from one stop to another I can't hide my amazement.  The islands, beaches, coves and some caves by the sea on that side of Guimaras were unassumingly beautiful.  It can actually compete with Caramoan and even El Nido and Coron but Guimaras has a charm of its own.  Another plus factor  was the absence of large crowds.  In fact,  most of the times I had the islands, coves, and caves all to myself.  What supposed to be a three-hour tour ended two hours longer.  It was already dim when we returned to the resort.

Aside from me, there were two other guests in the resort.  Basically, it was just the three of us and resort's staff on the island.  During the night, no other sound can be heard except that of birds and insects.  I stayed for while on a cabana by the lagoon just outside my hut to adore the full moon but fell asleep early upon hitting the bed maybe because it was so quite or maybe because I was tired from my island hopping.  I must admit though, that was one of the most peaceful night I ever had.       

clear water
It was time for me leave Guimaras the next day.  Before heading back to Jordan, Kuya Jojo, the boatman brought me to a nearby Tudyong cave.  From its entrance, the cave seemed small but upon entering I was surprised how huge it was.  It was a sanctuary to thousands of bats and there was also a water source inside.  We had not gone deep into its many chambers but kuya Jojo told me that it would take us more time to explore the entire cave.  That short time we had in the cave left me in admiration and Tudyong cave was just one of the many caves found in the island.  There was more to Guimaras aside from beautiful islands, beaches, coves and sweet mangoes!

One day was not enough to get around and have a taste of Guimaras.  I was not able to go on an inland tour.  I failed to have a taste of what Guimaras is known for -  the sweetest mangoes.  Sadly, it was not a season for mangoes.  I would definitely consider returning some other time because I still have good reasons to go back and there is more to Guimaras that I have yet to discover and experience.  
the stunning sunset

Sharing my travel notes below.


Friday, October 13, 2017

DM 300 Ver. 4

Deadman's 300 or DM300 is a trail running event held in the sierra madre mountain ranges covering parts of Rizal province.  Organized by Meljohn "Boypi" Tezon a seasoned ultra trail and road runner, this event draw a sizable number of participants mainly because of the very affordable registration fee.  Runners can choose between 30K and 50K categories and shell out 300 pesos for the the former and 500 pesos for the latter.   With these amounts, runners get a trucker cap, event shirt, a well supplied aid stations, a medal and a post race meal. 

 What is more amazing about this event is that the proceeds from the registration fees are donated to a beneficiary school in the community where the event is held.  This year is the 4th year of staging of the event and I'm happy to be a part of it for the first time. I signed up in the 50K category.  As expected, a community of runners are present.  Trail friends and familiar faces in trail running all together.  
After the short briefing by the RD, 50K runners are released at exactly 2:30 am.  Starting and end point is at "The Rock" resort in Brgy. San Isidro, Rodriguez, Rizal.    We need to be backed at the starting line on or before 4:30 pm.  As always, I had a slow start.  But as soon as I get my rhythm I picked up my pacing.  I arrived at the first aid station at Sitio Macaengalan (Km. 10) after 2 hours.  
Days prior to the event, rain has been pouring.  This made the trail extra challenging.  Continuing the run after AS 1, a muddy and slippery trail greeted us.  Navigating the muddy trail requires extra effort which left me on the verge of getting leg cramp.  I was prompted to look for a salt upon arrival at AS 2.  

The ascent to the rocky summit of Lubog at around 600 masl is one of the highlights of DM300.  However, extra precaution is needed ascending the peak.  The trail to the peak aside from slippery has sharp rocks and boulders.  One slide and I will surely end up getting bruised or worse, injured.  I reached the peak at the break of dawn, unharmed.  Going down is a lot harder.  Halfway I slide and fall, butt first.  Thankfully aside from a scratch on my left arm, nothing more serious happens.

The rocky summit of Lubog
I was exhausted after Mt. Lubog but I needed to continue.  Approximately 7 kilometers further would be Matulid falls, the turnaround point.  While walking, I consumed two bananas I pocketed from AS  1.  Somehow, these helped me navigate the ever muddy and slippery trail leading to the falls.  Honestly,  at some points I'm cursing.  I looked for a wooden stick to support my balance.  At some parts sit down and slide, the safest way I could think of.  It is a test of patience.

As soon as I get to the river, I cleared all the mud in my shoes.  At that point, based on my recon the falls is still far.  AS 3 is on the other side of the river.  There is nothing much in it but water, biscuits and very encouraging marshals. I'm prepared for more river crossings when I learned that the turnaround point will be a kilometer earlier.   Due to swelling water level, going to the falls is not safe.  

Going back, we need to navigate the lumberjack trail.  A trail that crosses the river a number of times.  If one did not conduct a recon will surely get confused.  I caught up with other runners and together we enjoyed the lumber jack trail  with all its river crossings and streams with gushing knee water level.  We stopped occasionally at some interesting spots for some group pictures.  There is a 12 noon intermediate cut-off back in Lubog.  No problem, as we are two hours safe.  

Matulid Falls - supposedly the turnaround point of the 50K runners
The sun did come out while we are at the rolling hills of deadmans but would hide in the clouds most of the times.  Despite not being sunny, it is still hot and the absence of wind is noticeable.   Our group of ten started to break into two.  I was at the lead pack.  We caught up with some 30K runners on the 2nd peak and more runners in the other peaks.

Familiar faces manned AS 4. It is a relief seeing them. I rehydrate and rest for a while. From AS 4, it is 8 km to finish line.  However this is the part of the trail that I'm not familiar with.  I am wrong in thinking that it's gonna be swift and easy. The trail that ensued is a series of another rolling hills with steep ascent and end up with a steep drop to another river.  The river though, is a welcome treat. We stay for a while to cool off.  We had 6 km to go and well within the cut-off time.  Other runners arrived at the river and joined us.

No more uphill to navigate for the last 6 kilometers.  When we get to the road, I jogged and caught up with Edward, a trail friend.  The finish line is already in sight but no rushing for the two of us.  We arrived to at the finish line with a festive atmosphere.  RD Meljohn is at the finish line to congratulate us.  Unofficially I clocked 11:55, happy and satisfied.