Showing posts with label #solobackpacking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #solobackpacking. Show all posts

Monday, December 4, 2017


I have long been wanting to cross out Guimaras on my list of "to be visited provinces".  It did not happen until Nov. 30, 2017.  Taking advantage of the holiday, I finally able to set foot on this tiny island province via Iloilo.  From Ortiz wharf in Iloilo city, I took  a very short boat ride of approximately 20 minutes to Jordan the capital town.  Just a bit of history, Guimaras was once a sub-province of Iloilo until it gained status as full-pledge province, May of 1992. 

Upon arrival at Jordan's wharf, I dropped by the tourism office (located within the wharf's compound) to register.  The staff were accommodating and helpful.  They gladly showcased what the province has to offer for visitors - that is inland and island tours.  I did not avail though of the tours offered and decided to go first to Cabugan Adventure Resort in Nueva Valencia where I stayed.   I asked advice on how to reach Nueva Valencia (one of the towns of Guimaras and where most resorts are located) and  commuting using public transportation was more practical. Hiring a private vehicle was far more expensive for alone traveler.
calm and green

Going to Nueva Valencia was easy.  Jeepneys that ply the route were stationed just outside the wharf's compound.  The driver did not wait for the jeepney to get fully loaded and left immediately but it made a complete stop at the market place to wait for more passengers.  After almost an hour on the road, I got off at crossing-lucmayan.  From this point, I need to ride a motorcycle to get to the jump-off of the resort at sitio Dungca-an in Brgy. Tando .  Road condition from Jordan to Nueva Valencia was not a problem.   It was cemented with some really nice view along the way.

All the while I thought that the resort was accessible by foot.  I was wrong. A small boat brought me to the resort through a narrow mangrove area before emerging into a lagoon and into a group of islands where the resort was located.  The resort location was a thumbs up for me.  I liked how it was nestled in an island with lush forestry and surrounded by calm waters.  The hut where I stayed was located on the other side of the island facing a lagoon with magnificent view of the sunrise and nearby islands.

one of the coves
I did not have an itinerary for the day but I had island hopping in mind.  Good thing, the resort offered an island hopping tour at a very affordable price.  I did not think twice and hopped at the boat and the next thing I know I was on our first stop.  I was keeping my expectation low but as I hopped from one stop to another I can't hide my amazement.  The islands, beaches, coves and some caves by the sea on that side of Guimaras were unassumingly beautiful.  It can actually compete with Caramoan and even El Nido and Coron but Guimaras has a charm of its own.  Another plus factor  was the absence of large crowds.  In fact,  most of the times I had the islands, coves, and caves all to myself.  What supposed to be a three-hour tour ended two hours longer.  It was already dim when we returned to the resort.

Aside from me, there were two other guests in the resort.  Basically, it was just the three of us and resort's staff on the island.  During the night, no other sound can be heard except that of birds and insects.  I stayed for while on a cabana by the lagoon just outside my hut to adore the full moon but fell asleep early upon hitting the bed maybe because it was so quite or maybe because I was tired from my island hopping.  I must admit though, that was one of the most peaceful night I ever had.       

clear water
It was time for me leave Guimaras the next day.  Before heading back to Jordan, Kuya Jojo, the boatman brought me to a nearby Tudyong cave.  From its entrance, the cave seemed small but upon entering I was surprised how huge it was.  It was a sanctuary to thousands of bats and there was also a water source inside.  We had not gone deep into its many chambers but kuya Jojo told me that it would take us more time to explore the entire cave.  That short time we had in the cave left me in admiration and Tudyong cave was just one of the many caves found in the island.  There was more to Guimaras aside from beautiful islands, beaches, coves and sweet mangoes!

One day was not enough to get around and have a taste of Guimaras.  I was not able to go on an inland tour.  I failed to have a taste of what Guimaras is known for -  the sweetest mangoes.  Sadly, it was not a season for mangoes.  I would definitely consider returning some other time because I still have good reasons to go back and there is more to Guimaras that I have yet to discover and experience.  
the stunning sunset

Sharing my travel notes below.


Friday, January 2, 2015

My 2014

Year 2014 has been another great year for my outdoors.  It was an action packed year filled with adventures, excitement, and happiness.  I had been to different places, done many firsts, met and gained new friends, crossed out a number from my bucket list.  To sum up, I had 20 climbs, ran 293 kilometers, done 1 solo backpacking, 2 beach trips, 1 adventure race, and a number of food trips and cultural immersions.  Though I haven't blog about most of these, but looking back, here are my top eleven most memorable adventures of 2014.

1.  Mt. Kinabalu
I always thought it is expensive to climb Mt. Kinalabu until I found out that a dayhike is possible and permitted.  A one day climb would mean less climb expenses as there is no need to stay overnight at the overpriced guesthouse above.  After learning all these, without second thought, I booked a flight to Kota Kinabalu.  Joined by my friend Adrian, we found ourselves on a fine late morning of September 2014 at Mt. Kinabalu park's visitor information center convincing and begging the park's officials for a dayhike to no avail.  It turned out a blessing in disguise however, as the weather would turn out awful every afternoon during our stay.  Luckily, even though we settled for the two day climb we still spent less than expected.  Thanks to the newly built Lamaine guesthouse!  Climbing Kinabalu is easier said than done.  While the trail is wide and established, the elevation gain and the thinning air poised a challenge.  The biting cold on day 2 added more challenge to the summit assault.  All pain and hardships however are worth it.  The mountain is beautiful and the view at the top is simply breathtaking.  At 4,035 meters above sea level, Mt. Kinabalu is so far the highest mountain i ever climbed.

at the summit
2.  Mt. Rinjani
I never heard of Mt. Rinjani before until a glitch in the ticketing system of an airline led me to this beautiful active volcano, standing at 3,726 masl in the island of Lombok, Indonesia.  Together with friends Ian, Annalene, Rosalyn, and Adrian we embarked on a guided/$105 worth/all provided three days climb, May of 2014.  Over all, I enjoyed the experience from the trek on the sorrow hills, to the cold night at the Pelawangan base camp, to reaching the summit, to the camping at the crater lake, to the hot-spring bath, to my companions, to the unlimited coffee and tea!  If there was a tough challenge the entire climb poised that was the summit assault on day 2.    The trail leading to the summit is a loose gravel, so loose that for every 3 steps, 2 is forward and 1 is backward. It was exhausting and frustrating at the same time.   Adding to the challenge was the freezing dawn temperature.  But with sheer determination, we made it all to the summit!

at the summit
3.  El Nido
Each time I hear good reviews and see beautiful pictures of El Nido, my desire to visit this place just continue to grow.  Actually,  this is on top of my list of the places in the country that I want to visit. When finally I had the opportunity last Nov. 2014, I did not think twice.  From one lagoon to another lagoon, from a hidden beach to another secret beach, from one island to another island, from a waterfall to a twin beach to the top of a limestone cliff.  El Nido is a place where my dream of a paradise became a reality.  It was just beautiful!  The trip was even more memorable co'z I was with someone so dear to me.  

at Matinloc viewdeck
4.  Soleus Trail Valley 50K Challenge
Doubt and fear always prevail every time I entertained a thought of an ultra run. I have ran a number of marathons but never an ultra marathon.   July of 2014, I finally mustered the courage and took my running a notch higher by joining this event.  My 50 kilometers journey from the starting to the finish line was never easy.  Running through the fields of Nuvali under the unforgiving heat of the sun almost had me giving up.  Luckily, my guardian angels never left my side that day.  I had strength barely enough to sustained me to the finish line.  It was a nice feeling finishing the run but the experience had me thinking if I'll do it ever again.    

towards the finish line      (C) RP
5.  Solo Backpacking Tawi-Tawi 
The country's southernmost province and an off-the-beaten track for travelers.  Peace and security concerns are what holding back most travelers and tourists from visiting this province rich in culture, tradition and natural resources.  I'm not afraid of going there but I didn't expect it to happen anytime soon.  August last year, I found myself on a plane bound for Tawi-Tawi confident and with no trace of fear.  With excitement, I toured Tawi-tawi's capital and neighboring towns on a motorcycle and on my second day I hiked on it's sacred mountain, Bud Bongao.   I met some locals and they were all friendly and even generous to offer me durian which I gladly accepted but didn't like the taste.  During my two-day stay, never did I feel unsafe being alone.  In fact, I enjoyed the experience from sunrise to sunset! I'm hoping to go back to do island hopping.    

Tawi-tawi's Provincial Capitol
6.  D2K
I've been into mountaineering for more than two years already but I have never tried climbing solo. Some accounts of people who did a solo dayhike on D2K got me interested in doing the same.  It took a while though before I finally decided.  I'm fully aware that the two mountains are among the country's highest.  Physical and mental preparations must be considered. Banking on my running and mountaineering experiences, I tried the D2K traverse dayhike, Sept. of last year.  It was easier said than done.  While the mountains were beautiful its trail were challenging.  I couldn't be more proud however, upon finishing it.  It was worth all the long travel, cramps, and exhaustion.   

the mossy forest
7.  Milo Marathon
As I mentioned above, I have ran a number of marathons last year but what made Milo marathon memorable from the rests was that I clocked my personal best at 5hrs. and 19 mins.  In all of my marathons this is my strongest finish so far.  

approaching the finish line  (C) PHOTO-OPS
8.  Mt. Bulusan
When I was just starting out in mountaineering, Mt. Bulusan was one of my dream mountains.  I would often read accounts of those who made it there and would ended up full of eagerness and excitement.  Came the first oppurtunity June of 2013, but unfortunately a series of bad luck prevented me.  When I arrived at the bus station, it was already empty. I ended up in a coffee shop lonely.  Came another chance June of last year.  This time around I see to it that I'm not gonna be left behind.  I filed a vacation leave the day before and left for Sorsogon ahead of the group.  Our climb was blessed with good weather most especially during our summit assault.  We had a good clearing that we even saw Mayon volcano from a distant.  I would like to commend the admin of Bulusan natural park for a very organized climb from the permit processing, to the climb proper, to the post climb activities.  My Mt. Bulusan experience was one of the bests.

at the crater summit
9.  Mt. Kanlaon
On a valentines day last year, joined by my college classmate Ronie, we embarked on a climb at Mt. Kanlaon, an active volcano and Visayas highest mountain.  Accompanied by a cool guide famously known as "Kuya Boy", together with traversed the Guintubdan-Wasay trails.  The mountain from its rivers, to its crater summit, to its mossy forest, to its lagoons, to its century old trees, and to its rolling hills is certainly one of the best climbs in the country.  

at the crater summit
10.  Lost at Pico de loro to Marami
 We came back armed with a new strategy, a supposedly correct trail map we downloaded from an account of a mountaineer who did the traverse, a GPS, and tons of courage.  But these artillery of ours were not enough, mother nature tricked and denied us.  We got a glimpse of Mt. Marami our final stop, after a long trekking and bushwhacking, but we can't seemed to find the right trail despite the aid of the map and the GPS.  The many trails were complicated and confusing. Time running out, we had to backtrack to Mt. Pico until we ran out of battery and the night fell on us.  We were lost!   We continue to scoured the forest hoping to find the right trail to no avail.  Worried and also to conserve our energy, we decided to end our search by 9 pm if the trail will still be elusive.   An hour and a half to go before 9 pm, we continued our walk until we came by an open area and what seemed to be a campsite.  I was able to recognized it and I was certain that it was the Palay-palay campsite. From there, I already knew the way out.  We're all thankful that we did not sleep under the trees with empty stomach that night. That very day of November 2014, Rosalyn, Adrian, and myself were humbled and reminded of a lesson to never under estimate a mountain.  

in one of the rest stops
11.  The long road to Fang-od
Before the year ended, my friend Adrian invited me to visit Fang-od,  Joined by friends Rosalyn and Sherelyn, together we journeyed the long road to Buskalan, Kalinga.  Apo Fang-od is said to be the oldest and last surviving hand-tap tattoo artist in Cordillera. Obviously the reason why we will be visiting her is to get a tattoo.   I really don't have any intention of getting one.  All I wanted was to visit Kalinga.  While on the trip enjoying the beautiful sceneries, I think about the idea over and over but still ended up undecided. When we reached Buskalan and when I finally saw her I changed my mind.  The realization that she is not just another tattoo artist helped me decide.  In her work is a culture and tradition passed on from generation to another generation.  And if it's true that she is the last surviving hand-tap tattoo artist, it would be an honor to be inked by her.    

Apo Fang-od in action
I'm looking forward for another action packed 2015!  I'll still have a lot to cross-out from my bucket list.  I still have a lot of dream mountains to climb.  I'll still have a lot places I'd like to go to.  I'll still wanna run. I'll still have a lot of things that I want to try and experience.  I'm all for happiness, excitement, and fun.  While I'll still can, my adventures will continue!  Join me?!