Friday, November 4, 2016

Trail Action: Tarak Ridge

It was only two days before the start of the long weekend that I realized how long its gonna be.  I was busy lately that i forgot about it and did not plan any out of town trip nor an outdoor activities.  November 1 which falls on a Tuesday, is All Saints Day and a legal holiday. October 31 was declared a special non-working holiday, making it a four-day off from work. Saturday and Sunday included.

Thursday, I tried checking airfare but as expected it was sky high!  A trip to Visayas or Mindanao is off the plan. A random post on Facebook of a tour group caught my interest. A Subic beach-Ticao island-Biri island plus side trips tour package worth five thousand pesos.  I liked the idea but I had second thoughts due to the weather disturbances off the pacific.  I was also thinking to just stay at home, do some home chores and rest. 

Papaya River

It was only Friday night when I finally decided on how i'm going to spend the long weekend.  A  trail running event I signed up, scheduled last week of November helped me decide.  I'm going outdoors!  A training up Tarak Ridge in Bataan on Saturday, Mt. Tapulao in Zambales on Sunday and concluding by another day on a beach. That was the plan.  I packed the things I need and set my alarm clock, 3 am the next day.

It was drizzling when I woke up. It had me thinking on proceeding or not.  Still, I took a bath and prepared.  It continued to drizzle. I decided not to push through and prayed for a better weather the next day.  I went back to sleep.  The drizzling stopped and I woke up to a fine weather. It was actually a sunny Saturday!  Weather nowadays is really unpredictable.  No regrets however, I still have 3 more days.

the forest covered trail

Rain or shine I'm heading outdoors tomorrow!  That was in my head before I went to sleep, Saturday night. Fortunately, when I woke up dawn of Sunday, no more drizzling. The sky was clear and I even saw stars.  After taking a bath, I put on my training gears and headed to the bus station.

I arrived at Brgy. Alas-asin, Mariveles, Bataan past 8 am.  I dropped by the road side eatery to have my breakfast. Right after, I went to the Brgy. hall to register and to leave my backpack.  Exactly 9 am, I started the journey up Tarak Ridge on a sunny day.  I walked until my body got its rhythm.  Afterwards, i jogged and ran.  From jump off to Papaya river the trail had gradual uphills but mostly flats.  There was also a forest cover on majority of the trail except for the ridge, so even it was a hot day it was not much of a problem.

the many obstacle laden trail

It was my first time to run on Tarak Ridge though, I have climbed the mountain three times already.  My target was to reach papaya river 12 noon or after 3 hours but arrived an hour earlier.  I rested for a while and refilled my water bottle in preparation for the assault f
rom papaya river to the ridge.  

I was about to start the assault when I spotted some friends.  Actually I was aware (thru FB) they climbed Tarak the day before.  They joked and asked me to join them in going down instead of proceeding to the ridge and that there was a free lunch waiting.  I told them that my mind was already conditioned to reach the ridge.  We parted ways eventually but not before a group picture.  

the inviting water of papaya river

I had been to Tarak a couple of times.  Trail-wise, I was already familiar most specially the assault to the summit from Papaya river.  It did not came as a surprise to me anymore but still, it was challenging.  Sweat glands were in work!  As expected, a lot took advantage of the long holiday.  Many went up the mountain the day before and during the day.  I encountered groups descending and passed by groups ascending.  After an hour, I reached the ridge.  I did not linger long, after taking some photos and re-hydrating, I made my way down.  
me at the ridge and the other outdoor lovers

I was hoping to still caught up with my friends.  Descending, I was in a hurry until I caught up with a big group on their way down.  Advancing was not possible and so I waited patiently.  When it was clear to advance, I took advantage and did not turn my head back. I had a motivation, that is to caught up with friends I met earlier. 

I had a swift descent and made it all the way down by less than two hours.  I had some slips but not serious.  My friends are no where to be seen on the trail anymore but I was surprised to see them at the jump off.  They had just arrived as well.  I joined them and true enough, there was a free lunch courtesy of Ma'am Joyce.  

Interested in climbing Tarak Ridge?  Here is how.
>  Ride a Mariveles, Bataan bound bus.  Get off at Brgy. Alas-asin.

>  Fare from Cubao to Alas-asin is 272 pesos.  
>  Register at the Brgy. Alas - asin Brgy. hall.  Registration fee is 40 pesos.
>  Guide is not mandatory but you may opt to hire one at the Brgy.  You can negotiate the fee but it would be around 300 to 500 pesos a day.
>  Trail-wise, the first segment from jump-off to Papaya river is beginners friendly.  Second segment from the river to the Ridge is steep.  Third segment, from the ridge to the summit is also steep.  You may venture to a peak named El Saco peak which is also steep and with presence of leeches (limatik) 
>  camping sites are at Papaya river (with water source) and at the ridge (no water source).
>  Contact number of the Brgy. 09082020785

Monday, October 3, 2016

2016 Miyamit Falls Marathon (MF42)

Days before the registration ends, I was still having second thoughts.  After almost three months of hiatus from running, I lost the confidence.  My adventurous heart won however, and I signed up.  This is my first time to join the event now on its 6th edition. 

My decision of course is with consideration of the distance and the terrain.  I've have taken the trail a couple of times and I know it's going to be tough.  Good thing, I still have a month to condition my mind and body.  I worked on bringing back my confidence.  On three consecutive weekends, I was out on training grounds trying to awaken my running muscles.  On some (when I was in the mood) nights after work, I also hit the road for mileage. 

Race Day

Two vans loaded with runners including myself, left Manila 9 pm of Saturday arriving at the venue before midnight.  The run will start at 5 am the next day so we took the waiting time to rest.  The organizers and crew arrived to the venue around 3 am.  Other runners started to arrive as well.  Race kits distribution and checking of mandatory gears followed.  Afterwards, Atty. Jon - the RD, gave the final briefing.  Runners, many are familiar faces in trail running, gathered at the starting line to listen.  The briefing concluded with a photo op with everyone hyped up. 

We were released from Alviera in Porac, Pampanga at exactly 5 am.  It was already bright while we made our way starting on a dirt road after emerging from a tunnel.  As always, I had a slow start and was feeling a little uneasy.  Experienced runners would often advice not to wear a new pair of shoes on race day.  I was brave (or should I say stupid) not to hid this advice.  I made a last minute decision to buy a new pair of Sketchers Go Trail as a replacement to my worn out Brooks trail shoes.  I wasn't able to break in the new pair before using it.  It did not go well with my feet, giving me muscle stiffness that took long before fading.

Few days before the run, it has been raining in Porac.  The rain somehow made some parts of the trail muddy and slippery.  With this, the RD made some changes on the mandatory gears to include rain jacket and also extended the cut-off time by 30 minutes. Apparently come race day, we started with a clear blue sky.  No sign of rain coming.

the medal
It was after AS 2 (KM 10) when the muddy trail greeted us.  I had no choice but dealt with it without hesitation.  Fortunately, leg stiffness has gone.  Slowly I picked up my pace making up for the slow pacing I had in the first 10 kilometers.  My target was to reach the turn around point (the peak) by 10 am, an hour and a half earlier than cut-off.  However, aside from the muddy trail, the heat was becoming a factor, too.

I reached AS 3 at the junction past 7 am but did not continue without refueling.  I knew that the next section of the route was the most challenging.  From the junction to the peak or the turn around point was a good 10 kilometers, one a way.  This section was a long ascent single track trail but very picturesque specially near the peak.  I was struggling to reach the turn around point with the sun's heat a big factor.  One by one I encountered the stronger runners already on their way back.  I made it to the peak within my target time of 10 am.  

After a few minutes of rest, I started my descent.  My confidence was high again after I met my target time.  At that point I was determined more than ever to finish the run. There was a cut - off time at the falls.  I needed to be there on or before 12:30 pm.   While I was back into the single track trail, it rained!  It was hot no more.  It was a big relief however, the rain made the trail even more muddy and slippery.  

It took me almost two hours to the junction, and I was starting to panic. I was running out of time.  While it was raining heavily, I negotiated the trail to the falls in a hurry. I thought and I was confident to have saved time more than enough.   I never thought that it would be that tight.  Thankfully, I made it to the falls seven minutes before cut-off.  I was relieved!  Before going back to the junction, I had myself taken a picture with the Miyamit falls as the background.  In all my visit to Miyamit, I always missed the falls.

me at the falls. all smile co'z i was within the cut-off time

Back at the junction,  I realized I'm almost close to it.  All I had to do is to finish the last 12 plus or so kilometers.  Sadly, many runners did not make it within the cut-off time at the falls.  After re-hydrating at the junction, I continued the run.  As I inched closer to the finish line, I can't hide my excitement and happiness.  When finally I saw the finish line,  there was a flashback of all the struggles I had from the new shoes, to the intense heat, to the slippery and muddy trail, to almost being cut-off.  

Glad I did not give up and it never even entered my mind despite the struggles.  It was a come back run and I was more than determined to finish it not minding even if I'm gonna be the last runner.  As I crossed the finish line, my friends and other runners where there cheering.  It was a nice feeling as always.  Officially I clocked 9:49 and ranked 41st out of 49 finishers.

my timing summary

Thanks to the heavens above for the strength and guidance!