Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Four Peaks, One Day

The unavailability of bus that would take us to Nasugbu on our desired time prompted a last minute change in our itinerary for this event.  Originally, the mountains to be covered were Mt. Talamitam, Mt. Batulao, Mt. Marami, and Mt. Pico de Loro.  With the change, Mt. Marami and Mt. Pico de Loro were dropped and replaced with Mt. Apayang and Mt. Toong.  The adjustment was done for us to make the most of the time we had for the day. The traverse from Mt. Marami to Mt. Pico de Loro is long and would considerably eat up time which will lead to not finishing the four peaks in a day challenge.  We were supposed to start at 3am had the original IT been followed but it was already 5am when we actually started.  It will be the first time that the Mt. Talamitam-Mt. Apyang-Mt. Batulao-Mt. Toong route will be attempted.  Luckily, there was a guide who knew the route and was willing to accompany us all day long. 

the beautiful dawn as viewed on the summit of Mt. Talamitam

The event was spearheaded by Lady D. and a part of a series of training in preparation for future running events.  I was hesitant at first because its been months since I did a multi-mountain dayhike. The convincing powers of Lady D was hard to resist though.  We were joined by four other trail addicts namely: Darell, Edward, Rommel and Jeysen.

After completing the registration and saying a little of prayer, we started.  On a star dotted sky, we slowly made our way to our first mountain, Mt. Talamitam.   I had been into this mountain several times so I was thankful we had it first.  It is an open mountain and a trek on a sunny day would surely have our sweat glands extremely working.  A large portion of the trail from the jump off to the summit has no forest cover.  Less than an hour of trekking we reached the summit just in time for the sunrise.  Hikers and a beautiful dawn greeted us on top.  We rested for a couple of minutes and took photos before heading to our next mountain,  Mt. Apayang.

                                           the group at the summit of Mt. Talamitam                                 (c) Lady D

Our second mountain, Mt. Apayang was close to Mt. Talamitam that in less than 30 minutes we reached its top.  Unlike the latter,  there were no hikers in the former.  We had the mountain all to ourselves as we watched the beautiful sunrise signalling a hot day ahead.  After a few minutes spent on top, we descended.  It was a steep descent under a forest cover contrary to the open trail of Mt. Talamitam.  By 8:30 am we reached the exit point at Brgy. Mataas na Pulo.  From there it was around 6 kilometers to the highway (KM 91).  We had an option to ride a tricycle but all of us agreed to run instead.  Well we came to train and as much as possible no wheels.  At around 9:15 am we reached the highway and a jeepney took us to Evercrest, jump off to Mt. Batulao.

                                              The trail of Mt. Apayang                                                 (c) Drell
At Evercrest we had our breakfast first.  We needed to eat and refuel ourselves because the next time that we'll be seeing food will be at the end of the trek.  Our trek resumed at exactly 10 am.  The sun was in its full glory as we walked on the road leading to the foot of Mt. Batulao.  No one of us seemed to be bothered by it though as excitement can still be manifested from all six of us as we minced on the trail of Mt. Batulao.  However, we were annoyed be the numerous registration sites.  It was irresistible and mandatory!  Not to ruined an already beautiful day, we paid as we pass each registration site.  Despite this status, hikers still flocked in numbers to this mountain.  I have been into this mountain several times and in all those instances, its trail was busy.  

                                                the summit of Mt. Batulao                                                  (c) Lady D

We told our guide, Kuya Noel to wait for us at peak 8.  We did a loop from old trail to new trail stopping at the summit to drink the best tasting mountain dew.  By 12 high noon, we reached peak 8 and Kuya Noel was all smile waiting for us.  We rested for a while and put on some sunscreen lotion to combat the mid-day sun.

                                                      one of our rest stops                                                 (c) Lady D
From peak 8, we descended into a not so established trail.  Our guide told us that the trail is rarely used by hikers.  Good thing though, there was a thick forest cover all the way to the foot of Mt. Toong.  Ascending the mountain however was different story.  The sun was unforgiving and I think it was on its hottest during the day as we negotiated the open trail.  Fatigue started to set in also.  I was on the verge of getting a leg cramp.  I had to stop during the ascent several times.  Slowly and patiently we reached the top.  We had an incredible view of Mt. Batulao from the other side. 

                                                     the open trail of Mt. Toong                                                               (c) Darell
Nasugbu and other nearby towns were visible too.  Mt. Talamitam, Mt Apayang and other mountains can be seen too.  After the mandatory grouphie, we continued our trek to the other peaks.  One notable peak is Susong Dalaga (Lady's Breast Peak).  We had to climb boulders to pass this peak.  After this part,  all the rest was descending.  However, it should not be underestimated as it is still a long trek to the exit point.  Woodlands and farmlands will be passed by and a river need to be crossed before finally reaching Sitio Bayabasan.

Susong Dalaga Peak
We stayed at the river for a couple of minutes to cool down.  Its been a hot day and a bath in the river with its cold water was a big relief.  It was very relaxing.  From the river, it was an hour trek to the exit point.  At exactly 5pm we reached Sitio Bayabasan with all of us safe and sound.  It took us 12 hours to complete the four peaks.  We were the first group to have done it.  Kudos!

cooling down

As we were enjoying our second meal of the day,  my companions were on an idea of doing a part 2 that will include Mt. Marami and Mt. Pico de Loro.  A more challenging six peaks in a day.  Insane!       

Monday, May 25, 2015

Mt. Halcon

I thought it would stay a dream forever but thanks to my friends in mountaineering for making it a reality.  Mt. Halcon has always been on top of my (and I guess on every mountaineer's list) list of dream mountains to climb in the country.  However it was only lately that the mountain has opened its doors to mountaineers anew.  When a friend invited me to join an event, I did not think twice.  It's now or never.

Ms. Terry spearheaded the team from the booking of the climb to providing the needed documentation requirements to arranging our transportation means in Mindoro to securing our permit. Our group, composed of ten energetic individuals ( 8 of them I met in mountaineering, 1 a classmate in college, and Ms. Terry whom I met for the first time) are all excited to test and try the toughness of Mt. Halcon.

Located in Baco, Oriental Mindoro and standing at around 2,586 masl, Mt. Halcon is highly regarded as one of the most difficult mountains to climb in the country.  Adequate preparation before the climb is a must.  Now I can attest that yes, it is indeed tough and should never be attempted without preparation.  It took our group 3 days to complete the climb via Bayanan jump-off.

Day 1 (Dulangan Campsite)

After dropping by at the LGU of Baco (mandatory) to get our permit and settle the necessary fees, we proceeded to the jump-off at Bayanan where our guide and porters are waiting.  Our group opted to get three porter/guides ( 7:1 is the ratio per their rules) and each to carry  a maximum of 15 kls.  When every one was ready, we started the trek at exactly 8 in the morning.  The sun was up and it was a clear day.

                                                        sunrise over Mt. Halcon's summit                               (c) Chris Villapando
We started with a pacing everyone can catch up with.  As we progressed however, the lack of wind and the heat became factors that we made many rest stops along the trail.  After an hour of trekking, we passed by the 2nd Mangyan village.  By 11 in the morning, we reached a stream (water source) and decided to take our early lunch.  We then take an hour rest and decided to go by 1 pm.

As agreed, we continued the trek by 1 pm and our target is to reach and camp at Dulangan Camp site (Camp 2).  After an hour of trekking, thick rain clouds began to form.  Later on, we began hearing thunder storms.  Minutes later, heavy rain poured down on the mountain and on us.  Soaking wet, we did not stop and continued the trek.  Surprisingly, aggressive blood leeches (limatik) which is said to have a high  population in Halcon did not show its presence.

Nothing interesting about the trail nor great views until we reached the point overlooking Aplaya campsite (camp 1).  On that point, we had a full glimpse of the mountain and its thick forest and enjoyed taking photos.  The rain has stop when we reached the area.  From that view deck overlooking Aplaya to Aplya to Dulangan river was one the beautiful parts of the trail.  The area after Aplya with all the trees was reminiscent of Mt. Kanlaon's "Garden of Widow" except that trees are taller.

                                                              nearing Amplaya campsite                                       (c) Ivan Cultura
A little past 4 pm, we reached Dulangan river.  A big river with boulders and water so clear.  All of us took a dip but no body lasted long as the water was so cold.  We proceeded to the campsite up stream which was 15 minutes away .  We set up our tents and prepared our dinner.  Fried pork chops, hotdogs, corn soup, and rice filled our hungry stomach.  And we called it a night.  No socials!

                                                    Dulangan River                                              (c) Ivan Cultura

Day 2 (Summit Campsite)

We woke up to a beautiful morning, pretty much like the day before.  After a quick breakfast, we continued our trek past 8 am.  This time, the trail involved a series of steep ascents under dense jungle.  Along the trail, we encountered climbers on their way down.  There were also climbers who camped at Aplaya that passed by us.  At around 11 am, we reached the last water source and decided to eat our lunch.

                                          one of the rest stops                                        (c) Chris Villapando

By 1 pm, we continued the trek.  The trail seemed to be an endless ascents and again just like the day before, there was a heavy down pour.  It was heavy that our guide decided that we camp at the first campsite which was about 30-45 minutes away from the summit.  The campsite had trees that served as shield from fierce winds unlike the campsite in the summit which was open. It was around 5 pm, when we arrived at the campsite. We managed to set up our tents before another heavy down pour ensued which drenched our tents.

Fortunately the rain stopped after less than an hour of continues pouring.  However, the challenge was to sleep on a wet tent on a cold night.  I wasn't able to get a good sleep that night. I can feel the cold biting my feet.  My tentmate was also chilling.  All of us woke up early the next day safe and sound though.  Thanks God!

Day 3 (Summit Assault and Descent to Jump-off)

We agreed for a 4 am call time for the summit assault.  However, it was so cold outside that no one managed to get out the tent on the agreed time.  It was 30 minutes later, when we started getting out our tents.  On a cold dawn, we head our way to the summit hoping for a good clearing.

                                                     the wooden ladder                                           (c) Chris Villapando
Minutes after we left the campsite, the darkness faded and the surroundings slowly brightened up revealing the vast Halcon's wilderness, the nearby mountain ranges, and even the distant mountains of Mts. Cristobal, Banahaw, Pinagbanderahan, and Lobo.  The trail to the summit, I would say was another beautiful part of the entire trail.  From our campsite we trekked under a forest reminiscent to that of Tapulao's mossy forest before emerging into an open part of the trail with terrain reminiscent to that of Mt. Apo before finally negotiating the "knife edge" a part of the trail which Halcon is known for and after a few meters was the very summit.

We made it all to the summit! After all those afternoon rains, we're lucky to had a very good clearing.  A beautiful sunrise on a very clear morning greeted all of us. Overwhelmed, we had all our cameras working instantly capturing our alluring moments with the splendid view offered by Halcon.  Standing on the summit, I was just so thankful for the experience.  We stayed for almost 2 hours in the summit.

                                               Mt. Halcon's Knife Edge                                      (c) Ivan Cultura
Back in the campsite, we had our quick breakfast before starting our descent.  We decided to push all the way to the jump off to have time for a side trip. Our descent was fast and smooth making it to Dulungan campsite before 12 noon.  We stopped at the campsite to regroup and to had our lunch.  By 2 pm, we continued our descent, however, heavy rained poured after crossing the Dulangan river.  The downpour was heavy that it created a waterfall in one of the gullies directly flowing into the steep part of the trail which we're hesitant to cross at first.  We had to put our rope as security before all of us we're able to cross. Other streams that we passed by also had swelling waters.  Reaching Aplaya we witnessed how beautiful Halcon even after a heavy downpour.  Multiple waterfalls can be seen from the mountain's gorges.  It was a sight to behold.  Simply stunning!  
                                                                  our group at the summit                                (c) Ivan Cultura
It was on our way down that the leeches showed its presence.  I got bitten twice while my other companions had bites as many as 20.  They seemed to be everywhere and since it was already dim, noticing them with naked eyes was a challenge.  We arrived at the jump-off past 8 pm, bloodied.

The descent from the summit all the way to the jump-off was long.  It would have been less tiring had we stayed one more night in Aplaya, however we had to stick to our itinerary opting for an overnight camp by the beach.

The climb experience would be one that I'll always remember not just because it was Halcon but for some other (personal )reason.  As always, I'm grateful to share the experience with people having the same passion.  No climb is ever hard with stories, jokes, and laughter shared while on the trail.          


     1.  Cubao - Batangas (Jam Bus, two-way)  -  350  
     2.   RORO - Batangas Port - Calapan Port, two way ) - 380
     3.  Terminal Ticket (Batangas Port) - 30
     4.  Terminal Ticket (Calapan Port) - 20
     5.  Jeepney Rental (Calapan - Jump Off - Calapan) (3500/10 pax) - 350   

Climb Fees:
     1.   Permit - 350
     2.  Guide/Porter fee (500*3 days*3 guide/porter/10 pax) - 450

*  food expenses excluded