Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Mt. Pulag

Finally it happened! I have climbed the so called playground of Gods and the country’s third highest mountain – Mt. Pulag.  This is after a couple of failed attempts late last year and early this year.  Well, it was worth the entire wait! The invitation came from my friend Adrian which I responded to with a yes instantly.  We were also joined by Rosalyn and Analene on this climb.  We invited other friends but are not available on the date of the climb.   The final participants were the four of us and we’re reunited once again (have climbed with the three in Mt. Rinajani).

Day 1 (Akiki jump-off to Saddle camp)

We arrived in Baguio City on board a Dagupan bus dawn of Aug. 15, 2014.  We wasted no time and went straight to a nearby eatery for a quick breakfast.  Right after eating, we then proceed to the transport terminal (Baguio Old Slaughterhouse).   It was agreed beforehand that we’ll completely rely on public transportation.  Hiring a jeepney or a van would be too expensive for four persons.    Upon getting to the terminal, we took a van plying Baguio-Kabayan route that left the terminal at around 7:30 am.  After one stop and about 3.5 hours of travel we arrived at the Akiki jump-off in Brgy. Duacan, Kabayan.   We were met by our guide Kuya Crispin and he ushered us to the Akiki Ranger Station where we did the registration.  We paid the climbing fees (registration, camping, and green fees) which totaled 230 pesos each.    There was a short briefing given to us on what to expect on the trail and the dos and don’ts during the entire climb.  At around 11:00 am, our trek commenced. 

at one of the stops

The initial part of the trail was easy until reaching the Eddet river.  We did not have a hard time negotiating it. In fact, we were pre-occupied with taking pictures here and there.  It took us 1.5 hours to get to the river.  We had our lunch at the resting station.  After an hour, our trek resumed.  There was a sudden change in weather.   It started to drizzle after we cross the bridge requiring us to wear our ponchos.  It was also at this point of the climb where the steep trail started and it has been steep all the way up to the grassland.   I was amazed by the Pine forest along the trail engulfed with mist making it more scenic that at one point I was expecting for some wolves to come out.  I also wondered how it looks like during sunny days.  We had several rest stops before arriving at Malboro country around 4:15 pm.  It was still drizzling and the temperature starting to drop.  We stayed for a while at the resting station and consumed some trail foods.

at the pine forest
The trek continued and we entered into the montane forest.  As we went deeper into the forest, the cold temperature started to bite as well as the weight of my backpack.  There was nothing much to see inside the forest as it was already dim.  By 5:30 pm, we reached the last water source.  We refilled our water bottles and rested for a while.  Conversations were limited and smiles hardly seen, a proof that we’re all tired.   After more than 2 hours we came out of the forest into a grassland.  It was a relief knowing we’re nearing the end of our trek.  The final hour however, was the hardest part simply because we’re all exhausted.   We had to endure the darkness, the drizzle, the strong wind, and the cold temperature while negotiating in a slow pace the steep part and rolling trail of the grassland.   After trekking for almost 8 hours, we reached the saddle camp with excitement.  Much to our surprise, the camping area and the bunkhouse were empty.   There were no other groups but us.   We opted to stay at the bunkhouse and it was a big relief to us.  Our exhausted bodies no longer need to pitch tents on a dark, cold, and rainy evening.    After changing into dry clothing, we prepared our dinner.  A mushroom soup, salted egg, and chicken-pork adobo filled our hungry stomach.  By 10 pm, we called it a night.  No socials, all just wanting to rest. 

Day 2 (Sunrise viewing, Exit via Tawangan)

We woke up at around 4am of day 2.  We need to be at the summit as early as possible in anticipation of the sunrise.   Mt. Pulag is famed because of its sunrise over a sea of clouds.  We left the bunkhouse several minutes after we had our breakfast.  The assault to the summit took around 30 minutes from the bunkhouse.  We made it all at the summit by 6 am. There were also other climbers (from camp 2) already at the summit eager to witness the sunrise.   However, it was a gloomy morning.  No sunrise.  No sea of clouds.  I was a bit sad.   I was expecting a good weather.  I was expecting to see what Mt. Pulag is famous of.  Others at the summit may not be vocal but I knew they share my feelings.    Minutes after, I came to realize and accept the fact that in mountaineering it’s not always a good weather but there’s always another chance.  I can always go back when it’s best season to climb Mt. Pulag.  After these realizations, I joined my group and we made the most out our Mt. Pulag experience.  To have successfully climbed the country’s third highest mountain is enough reason to be happy.  The mountain still offered a scenic view despite the poor weather condition.  The mountain itself with its mist-shrouded dwarf bamboos was still a sight to behold.

at the summit
with the dwarf bamboos
At 7 am, we stated our descent via the tawangan trail.  As we’re making our way down, it started to drizzle.   Our guide told us that it will be a long journey but no more assaults unlike the day before.  We entered the mossy forest at around 8am.  Some parts of it were so dense that it felt like we’re in another dimension.  Some parts of the trail were concealed by over grown shrubs and foliage proving how less-taken it is.   What really bothered us was the high population of blood leeches (limatik) in most parts of the trail.  The trail was heavily infested that we almost consumed a bottle of alcohol combating with them.  We’re all got bitten still. 

descent to Tawangan
limatik bite
We stopped by the third water station (a stream) to have our lunch.  Had it been a sunny day, I could have taken a dip.  However, it was raining and the water was so cold.   At around 1 pm, we continued our descent inside the seemingly endless forest.  The rain was getting harder while the fog engulfed the surroundings leaving a somewhat eerie feeling on me.  By 3pm, we came out of the forest and had our first glimpse of the village we’re heading to.   After 8.5 hrs. of trekking, finally we reached Tawangan village.  We had to stay overnight at the village because of bad weather. 
the mossy forest
Day 3 (The journey back to Manila)

We woke up early to catch the only bus bound for Baguio from Tinoc, Ifugao which usually leave 7:30 am.  From Tawangan, Benguet, it was an hour motorcycle (habal-habal) ride to Tinoc, Ifugao.   Upon arriving at Tinoc, unfortunately the bus was not roadworthy and can’t go on with the scheduled trip.  We looked for other options as we all need to go back to Manila.  However, vans plying Tinoc-Lagawe route were all reserved by other passengers.  The last option for us was to wait for trucks (from Tawangan) that deliver vegetables (to Nueva Vicaya).  Luckily, the driver of the habal-habal had a contact to a driver of one of the trucks.  However, we had to wait for almost six hours before the truck arrived.  Travel time from Tinoc, Ifugao to Bangbang, Nueva Viscaya was 5 hours with almost 80% of the way was on a rough road over a mountain.  The view was breathtaking and scary at the same time.  Sitting on sacks of carrots while on a long bumpy ride is very uncomfortable but we had to endure just to get home.   We reached Bangbang by 7pm and had our quick dinner at a fast-food before boarding a bus back to Manila. 

The whole experience while very tiring was worth it.   We may not have a good weather but still it was very rewarding.  Mt. Pulag (from Akiki to Tawangan) is still beautiful even in an awful weather.  Truly a must climb mountain.

the flora

just lovely

Monday, June 23, 2014

Mt. Bulusan

The first time I attempted to climb Mt. Bulusan (Dec. 2013) I met a number of misfortune.  On my way home from the office to get my backpack, the MRT broke down.  On my way from home to the bus terminal, there was a horrible traffic.  When I arrived at the bus terminal, it was empty.  I ended up in a coffee shop feeling unlucky (coincidentally, it was a Friday the 13th).  While having a cup of a coffee, I was imaging with so much envy how my companions were having a good climb.  Days after, I found out that the climb were unsuccessful because of bad weather.  I realized that all the misfortune were actually blessing in disguise.   

Fast forward, the team leader set June 7-8, 2014 to be our second attempt.  We agreed to leave Manila, Friday evening.  I did not wait for the evening and went ahead of the group. I was not excited! Lol.  The truth was, I did not report to work because I had this strong feeling that my boss won’t allow me to go home early.  If that will happen, surely I’ll have a hard time on my way to the bus terminal and getting a ride.  I didn’t want to be left behind again.  This time I’d like to have my coffee in Mt. Bulusan. 

Mt. Bulusan is situated in the province of Sorsogon in the Bicol region.  Elevation is at 1,565 masl and it is one of the most active volcanoes in the Philippines. The volcano and the forest surrounding it are protected areas.  Coming from Manila by bus would take roughly 14 hours to reach Irosin, Sorsogon.    Alternatively, one can take a plane to Legazpi, Albay and from there it will be just less than 4 hours ride to Irosin, Sorsogon, but this can be more costly.  I was at the bus terminal at around 10 am.  Checking the schedule of trips to Irosin, the earliest was by 2 pm.  If I’ll take the 2 pm trip, it would mean that I have to wait for 3 hours more and arrival in Irosin would be in the wee hours.  I checked other options.  There was a bus bound for Legazpi that will leave by 11 am.  I decided to take the trip and spend a night in Legazpi.  I paid 650 pesos for the fare. The travel from Manila to Legazpi was smooth.  The bus had stops during lunch and dinner time. It was past 12 midnight when we arrived in Legazpi.    I slept at a tourist inn and paid 350 pesos for a fan room with CR. 

I woke up at exactly 6 am the next day.  After I had my shower, I checked out.  It was a beautiful morning and I felt good after getting a rest.  I boarded a jeepney to Daraga where the buses going to Irosin pass by.  I took a quick breakfast in Daraga.  At around 8:20 am, I boarded an ordinary bus going to Irosin.  I paid 100 pesos for the fare.  While on the road, I communicated with rest of the group asking their whereabouts.  They were 4 to 3 hours away from Irosin.   It got me excited.  I was thinking about the climb when suddenly the bus stopped.  The driver informed us that the engine malfunctioned and we have to be transferred to another bus.  Minutes had gone by but the bus promised by the driver is nowhere in sight.  I asked a bystander of other ways to get to Irosin.  Fortunately, I was already in Sorsogon City and it would just take me less than an hour by jeepney to Irosin.  I was told to ride a tryk that would bring me to the jeepney terminal.  I did and paid 40 pesos.  Unfortunately, the jeepney won’t leave not until it was full.  It took more or less 20 minutes before we finally left the terminal.  I arrived in Irosin at exacty 11:30 am and my companions were already there.  While having our lunch, I told them what happened.

After we had our lunch, we hired a tryk that brought us to Bulusan Volcano National Park (BVNP).  We paid 60 pesos each.  By 12:45 pm, we arrived at the park and met by the staff.  We settled climbs fees and did some last minute preparations.  A staff checked our blood pressure and each one of us were given an ID.  An orientation about the place and the climb rules and regulations followed before we started the trek.    At exactly 1:30 pm, our trek began. All 9 of us (joined by 1 guide and 1 porter) were excited.

our group before starting the trek 
To get to the trail head, we had to paddle a kayak across Bulusan lake.  Two persons per kayak and since we were 9, one joined the guide in a pump boat together with our backpacks.  I actually enjoyed kayaking.  When all of us were able to cross the lake, we started the trek.  It was a sunny afternoon, good thing the trail was fully covered with trees. Dense and verdant!   I also liked how established the trail and how gradually it gained elevation.  Limatiks were present on some parts of the trail but not aggressive.   After 2 hours of trekking, we reached the halfway of the trail marked by a hexagonal hut.  There was a change in weather.  Thick clouds formed and rain was about to fall at any moment.  We were supposed to do the tree planting but due to the impending rain, our guide decided to continue the trek and do the tree planting on our way down.  Minutes after we left the hut, it rained hard.  Some of us worried that it might continue until the next day.  When we’re few meters away from the campsite, the rain stopped.  By the time we reached the campsite at around 5 pm, the sky was clear again.  In fact, the summit was visible.  After unloading our bags, we asked our guide the way to the lake.  We ran with excitement to the direction pointed to but the lake was nowhere to be found! Obviously, we took the wrong direction. Lol.  Nevertheless, we took that opportunity to take pictures. 

paddling our way to the trail head

looking for the lake
After about 30 minutes we returned to the campsite.  We pitched our tents and prepared our dinner.  We shared the campsite with 3 more groups.   We ate our dinner at around 8pm.  Afterwards, we had to sing a birthday song to one of our companions.  It was his birthday.  We brought to the mountain a small cake for him.  He thanked us and I guess he was happy.  We had no wine/liquor to consume but we had stories/jokes to share.  While other groups were already sleeping, we’re laughing hard.  One of the guides had to remind us to minimize our voices.  Before other groups got mad at us, we decided to called it a night.  After all, we had enough and we had to wake up early the next day.  Before I entered my tent, I looked at the sky.  It was clear and dotted with stars.  It seemed to promise a beautiful sunrise. 

Voices coming from the other groups woke me up.  They were already preparing for the summit assault.  When I checked my watch it was only 2 am.  I wanted to continue my sleep but I had I hard time.  Some of my companions woke up and prepared our breakfast.  I went out the tent and joined them for breakfast.  Right after, we prepared for the summit assault.  We began the trek at exactly 3:30 am.  It was still dark and cold.

The trek to the crater summit started with the grassy flat terrain then a steep trail ensued.  From that point to the crater were mostly assaults.  The first part of trail was covered with forest but darkness kept me guessing how it looked like.  After an hour of trekking, we emerged from the forest to an open grassy trail.  By that time, the dawn was slowly breaking.  Our guide told us that the sunrise will be at 5:17 am.  It seemed that we can’t make it to the top before sunrise.  Five minutes before the expected sunrise, we’re 30 minutes away from the summit.   True enough the sun rose while we were still on the trail, 20 minutes away from the summit.

sun slowly rising
I didn’t mind. It was still a sight to behold.  By 5:50 am, we reached the summit.   We were the second group to arrive at the crater summit.   We were blessed with a good clearing.  We can even see Mayon Volcano from afar.  We’re all in joy that our second attempt was finally a success.  We’re all in agreement that all the sweat and effort in trekking and the 14 hours butt-numbing bus ride were all worth it.  We took pictures while other groups started to arrive.  We stayed at the summit for almost an hour.  At about 7 am, we started our descent to the campsite which took us almost an hour.

the grassy trail to the summit

Mayon Volcano from a distant

lake Aguinay and the Sharp peak

with our guide ( kuya Bayani) at the crater
Upon reaching the campsite we prepared our early lunch.  Others started to break camp.  The sun was up and it was already hot.  At exactly 9:30 am we ate our lunch.  Afterwards, we prepared for our trek from the campsite down to the jump off.  We took our souvenir photo at the campsite before leaving.  We left the campsite at around 10:40 am.  We reached the halfway of the trail by 11:56 am.  Before proceeding, we did first the tree planting which is mandatory.  When everyone has planted each seedling, we continued the trek down.  We took the emergency trail.  An easy and established trail, well, except for the last portion where we negotiated boulders before finally emerging right in front of the BVNP office.  Each one of us was given a certificate stating that we’re able to complete the climb.  Afterwards, we head to the nearby Dancalan beach to celebrate the climb.

planting a tree for the future
I would just like to commend the management and staff of BVNP for a well-organized climb, starting from the application of permit, to the climb proper, and to the post climb ceremonies.  Guides are well trained and porters are good.  The mandatory tree planting for every climber is commendable too. 

Interested in climbing Mt. Bulusan?  Check this out!  https://www.facebook.com/wild.boars.10?fref=ts